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JackFreemont's Pornstar Interview

My Pornstar Interview
I'm an all man provider of fantasies and I have 20+ years of experience fulfilling them. Whether you’re a str8, curious married newbie or a more experienced guy looking to push his boundaries I can provide the experience you’re looking for. I'm a masculine, mature, friendly, outgoing and totally versatile daddy. 24 hour notice usually required but can sometimes do same day. Please use Rentmen message here or text to the number listed,( voice calls can’t be answered) Don't be shy, I'm looking forward to hearing about your personal fantasy soon. And theBlue Fantasy room is back- bigger and better!
Q: What is your specialty?

A: Providing an element of comfort and reassurance I am also a very gregarious person and can be very outgoing and like to communicate with people to determine just what they're looking for.

Q: What kind of diet and fitness regimen do you follow?

A: As one matures you try different exercise and diet regimens to reach personal goals. For years I was stuck in a rut with the same 3-4 trips a week to the gym with essentially the same workouts performed for specific days. In the past couple years it also became more and more difficult to maintain an acceptable target weight. However this past winter I was inspired by retired pornstar Ace Harding with some basic introductory "core" exercises. Within a month the results were definitely noticeable with a redistribution of fat to core muscle. Also a big part of my overall workout was a cardio element and I was primarily using an eliptical machine. I switched to a rowing machine and the results were a much more efficient calorie burn.

At the same time I discovered that just eating what you want to eat- BUT less of it at every meal was a great add-on to the the new regimen. I lost almost 25 lbs in less than two months and feel great with greatly improved stamina. Overall the average American eats way more than they need to and just cutting your food intake down by a third can provided amazing results. My time at the gym consists of 40% core / 30% weight training / 30% cardio

Q: Tell us a little about yourself, if you were to pick something what would you like others to absolutely know about you?

A: I'm a very empathetic person and find myself lending a hand or anything else I can provide to those in need. Through my life I have volunteered for more causes than I can remember. That being said I am also a firm believe that one has to "pull themselves by their own bootstraps". However those with different types of handicaps life has handed them sometimes needs a hand to reach those bootstraps.

Q: How often do you travel? Do you prefer to travel or are you more of a homebody?

A: I don't travel as much as I used to. The responsibilities of home ownership keeps me more at home these days. That being said I am totally interested in travel should a client propose the opportunity.

Q: If we sat on the beach and drank wine and ate great food just you and I, what would you tell me about yourself and your life?

A: If I was sitting on a beach and in immediate reach of water and a shoreline I would probably relate my years of crewing on a racing sailboat in the 90s.

Q: What do you enjoy most about yourself?

A: My creativity is always front and center in all that I do. In travel or entertaining a client I enjoy the ability to be flexible in any opportunity that might arise - to be creative with something not necessarily planned. This leads to my need to be somewhat adventuresome. You CAN show old dogs new tricks!

Q: What should others absolutely know about you?

A: First off I am a lover of all forms of the arts- from 2D painting & drawing, 3D in art installations and sculpture, performance art, and music- even the classical variety. After that I am a big animal lover and not sure how I could get along without a dog as both soul keeper and companion. I also have a huge afinity for the plight of the grey wolf and their ever diminishing territories. My body art is reflective of that. (Related is more than once guys have referred to my blue tined eyes as "wolf eyes". I am also an excellent draftsman of the human form and have had years of studio life drawing experience.

Q: What are 5 things you can’t live without?

A: the fine arts, eroticism, a dog companion, wolves, great food and if I can't make it to a gym at least three times a week, wherever I am, I get real grumpy LOL!


Location: Savannah, GA
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